Pest And Disease In Plant Organ


·       Symptoms of attack:
1. Rats invade many variety of plants.
2. Attack in the nursery, the vegetative, generative period, harvest, storage area.
3. plant parts which is attack by rats are not just seeds - grains but also the young plant stem.
4. Rats make some hole in the rice field and often took refuge in the bush

·       Control:
1. Cover the rat hole and catch the rat.
2. Using the natural enemy of mice, snakes.
3. Growing crops simultaneously in order to reap the same time anyway so there is no chance bigi rats to obtain food after crops are harvested.
4. Using a rodenticide (rat extermination) or by placing poisoned bait, which is sliced
​​sweet potatoes or cassava that has been previously soaked with phosphorus.Poisoning should be before flowering and seed paddy. In addition the use of poison should be careful because too dangerous to livestock and humans.


·       Symptoms of attack:
1. Cause the leaves and stems of plants have many hole.
2.  the leaves and stems would dry, and eventually die.

·       Control:
1. Cropping arrangements,the simultaneous planting and the crop rotation.Crop rotation to break the cycle of life carried by leafhoppers or soil to plant crops were left for 1-2 months.
2.  conservation, using natural enemies of leafhoppers, such as profit Lycosa Pseudoannulata predators, ladybugs and Cyrtorhinuss lividipenis Microvelia Douglas, Paederuss fuscipes beetles, Ophinea nigrofasciata, and Synarmonia octomaculata.
3.  Chemistry controlled by using insecticides can be done if other way aren’t vulnerable. The use of insecticide commercialized in such a way that the effective, efficient, and safe for the environment.

Walang sangit

·       Symptoms of attack:
1. Suck the grain that is still liquid.
2. Seeds that have been sucked will become hollow, somewhat hollow, or clay.
3. Colored seed coat will dusky - victimization.
4.  nymphs are more active than the adult (imago), but adult animals can damage because greater for longer life.
5.  adults can also eat seeds that have been hardened, by issuing an enzyme that can digest carbohydrates.
6. Factors that support that support walang rice pest populations are as follows.
• Ricefield is very close to predictably forestry.
• The population of weeds in fields is high.
• Planting is not simultaneously

·       Control:
1. Plant simultaneously.
2. Clean ricefield from all kinds of grass that grows around the field so as not to become a breeding ground for walang rice pest.
3. Catch the walang rice pest in the morning with fishing nets.
4. Arrest using ead frog, crab rice, or with algae.
5. Using biological control by releasing a natural predator and grow fungus that can infect walang rice pest.
6. Perform chemical control, using insecticides.


·       Symptoms of attack:
A. Mites (tiny bugs) usually located on a lower leaf to suck the leaves.
2. In the leaf lice will arise small spots and then the leaves will turn yellow and fall.

·         Control:
These pests can be overcome by collecting leaves - leaves that are attacked by pests in some places and burnt.

Seed fly (Atherigona exigua, A. oryzae)

·       Symptoms of attack:
1. Flies lay eggs on seeds of rice leaf midrib at dusk.
2. The eggs hatch after two days and the larvae damage the growing point. Pupa is brownish yellow in the ground. Once out of the pupa for 1 week to imago is ready to mate.
3. This pest attacks, especially in high humidity conditions.

·         Control:
Control is preferred to the planting of resistant varieties.

Orong-orong (Gryllotalpa hirsuta or African Gryllotalpa)

·       Symptoms of attack:
1. Living below the moist soil by making tunnels.
2. Eating small animals (predators), but the level of crop damage is greater than the benefits as a predator.
3. Young nymphs eat humus and plant roots, female imago wings grow half, the male can be chirping in the evening.

·         Control:
Control is directed to a good ground for processing damaged tunnel.

Uret (Exopholis hypoleuca, Leucopholis rorida, Phyllophaga helleri)

·       Symptoms of attack:
A. Uret that damage rice plants consist of species Exopholis hypoleuca, Leucopholis rorida, Phyllophaga helleri
2. The development of the same life that uret third of egg - larva (uret) - pupa - imago (beetles).
3. Beetles just ate some leaves and less damaging than uretnya.

·       Control:
1. Control system aimed at cultivating good for good plant vigor.


·       Symptoms of attack:
Locusts attack symptoms are the same as the caterpillar, the leaves become ragged.

·       Control:
A. These pests can be dealt with manually capture.
2. Catch-winged grasshoppers that have not or when it is morning and dewy usually locusts can not fly with wet wings.

Corn borer (Ostrinia furnacalis)

·       Symptoms of attack:
1. Cause cracks and broken cornstalks.
2. Butterflies as a parent of pest Ostrinia furnacalis appear in a plantation at night, between pk. 20:00 to pk. 22:00 and laid their eggs in these hours. Female butterflies lay eggs as many as 300-500 points in the third leaf. Telut cream-colored laid under the surface of the leaves in groups. Usually covered by feathers.
3. After 4-5 days the eggs hatch, the caterpillars will go into the bars after 7-10 days old through tongued and often damage the panicles are not yet out. The next worm gnawing into the trunk and most of the trunk segment, and after it is also the segment on the bottom. 18-41 days old caterpillar
4. Symptoms of the young caterpillars, leaf mark white stripes visible bite marks.
5. The next attack on the visible presence of the hole gerekan stem auger is accompanied by a brown powder. If the broken corn stalks, the plant will die.
6. Host plants other than corn is Cantel, Panicum viride, spinach and weeds Blumea lacera.

·       Control:
1. By way of crop rotation with crops that are not a host.
2. Plants attacked cut and dumped in a given soil or livestock.
3. Eliminate the other host plants that grow between the two planting time.
4. Clean grass
5. Chemical means, the control carried out before the caterpillar goes into the stem.Several types of insecticides which are effective otherwise: Azodrin 15 WSC, Nogos 50 EC, Hostation 40 EC, 20 EC Karvos

Grayak caterpillar (Spodoptera litura)

·       Symptoms of attack:
1. Leaf perforated worm-hole attack grayak sign. If the plants can be left bare or live leaves bone only.
2. He also ate the fruit to decay as a result will not sell chillies.

·       Control:
1. By collecting the eggs and the caterpillars kill him.
2. Keeping the garden clean from weeds and crop residues into hiding places of pests and crop rotation.
3. UGRATAS moth trap pairs, in a way put into bottles ½ liter of mineral water which was given a small hole as a means of entry of a male butterfly. Because UGRATAS is sexual aphrodisiac in adult male insects and is very effective to be used as traps.
4. If forced to deal with caterpillars attack grayak with Decis 2.5 EC, 500 EC Curacron, Orthene 75 Sp, Match 50 EC, 40 EC Hostathion, chemical spraying with alternate ways to avoid immunity to pests.

Fruit fly (Dacus ferrugineus or Dacus dorsalis Hend Coquillet)

·       Symptoms of attack:
1. This flies pierce the base of the fruit of chilli there are tiny black dots visible puncture marks to enter the fruit fly eggs.
2. Affected fruit will be rounded blotches, and then decay, and cavities.
3. Once the eggs hatch so larvae (maggots) and live in pods to fall off and fruit rot larvae will exit to the ground and a week later turned into a young flies.

·       Control:
1. Perform crop rotation to break the chain of development of the flies.
2. Collect all chilies are attacked and destroyed.
3. Take control with methyl eugenol traps are very effective by entering a methyl eugenol in the cotton into bottles of mineral water that has been smeared cooking oil, or given water. Hang the trap in the garden verges.
4. Chemical control can be done by spraying Buldok, Lannate, Tamaron, Curacron 500 EC.

Spider mite

·       Symptoms of attack:
1. Spider mites suck fluids in plants.
2. These pests cause the leaves yellow, then the patches appear on the liquid sucked.
3. Spider mites are a big attack could result in the leaves and plants die out. Spider mite is more resistant to insecticides.

·       Control:
It is recommended to use akarisida.

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